Sunday, August 5, 2012

Round flower how to

I've been asked by a few individuals how to make this cutsie little round flower i put put on another project I made. Soooo here's how!!

What you will need:
*marking pen
*hot glue gun (the first time I did this project I used super glue. It works.. but I glued my fingers to the         flowers too many times to want to do it again.) 
*a circle to trace ( I used a medicine lid)
*thick-ish material about 1ft x 1ft ( you probably don't need that much but just in case, also you can use thin fabric but it doesn't hold as well.)

Alright! Let's get down to business. Start by marking and cutting and cutting out 5 circles from your desired material.

4 of these circles you will fold, and one will be your base.

Next, take one of your circles and fold it in half. It doesn't matter if its inside out or which way. I usually alternate to add some variety.

Put a small dot of glue in the center, like so.

Then fold it hamburger style and pinch where the dot of glue is so the rest kind of flares out.

Do this to the other 3. REMEMBER: save one circle for your base!

After you have finished your 4 "petals", it's time to glue them down. Take your glue gun and make a triangle on your base circle covering a quarter of it and lay one petal on the glue and press down.  Fluff up the rest of  the petal.

Repeat with the  remaining 3 and your'e done!

You can put these little suckers on just about anything! 

Home Decor


Baby head bands, hair clips, make little flowers for earings...just a few ideas.

ps... The necklace above will be on soon.

If you have any questions, don't be afraid to comment.

Mary gives this project 2 thumbs up.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah but Mary is a GIRL!!
    You make cutesy stuff but you lost me when you folded like "a hamburger"??? Good thing I'm a visual type huh? Fun post kiddo.
